Let’s keep this short and sweet shall we? Baking healthy treats can be intimidating… but it’s literally quite simple if you are up for an adventure.
And by adventure… I just mean being ok with failing forward in the pursuit with experimenting with substitutions.
Textures may be off at times. You may have some wins and forget to write down the recipe to remember what exactly you did! You may have some losses where you learn what doesn’t work the best. But, swapping out ingredients in regular recipes for cleaner options has been a game changer in my health journey, and it can be for yours too!
This happened yesterday.

My excessively ripe bananas were just sitting there, and I knew they were calling me to be made into something beautiful. Something appreciated by the entire home. Something worth celebrating instead of taking the blame for the fruit fly invasion.
And with that, the magic transpired.
Note… I am not the best measure-er… certainly not the most accurate. Sometimes we separate the wet and dry ingredients… sometimes we don’t. Nobody needs that kind of pressure of perfection in their life. I won’t stand for it in mine.
Banana Bread & Muffins (Paleo and Gluten Free) Easy for any skill level!
1/2 cup coconut oil
1 cup of coconut sugar until combined
Add in 5 Eggs and Stir until you feel it in your soul that you’ve done your job
Mix in 5-6 ripe blended bananas (I blended first in nutribullet so I wouldn’t bend my forks— and again… who has time to smash all that? Not me.)
Then add 4-ish cups of almond flour
1 cup of oat flour (literally I just dry blended the good oats- organic glyphosate free- into a fine flour)
1 tsp of baking soda
1/2 tsp salt (Don’t measure this please. just take the shaker and live a little dangerously. I believe in you.)
1 TBSP of vanilla (Again– pour it straight from the bottle. You got this! Can you have too much vanilla?)
1 tsp cinnamon (Shake it. Don’t break it.)
And any add-ins you’d like… like walnuts, pecans, coconut shreds, chocolate chips if it’s a rough day etc.
This makes 1- dozen muffins and 1 whole loaf of banana bread! I love using a silicone muffin and loaf pan.
Bake 375 degrees
(Muffins for around 30-35 min, and banana bread for 55ish min depending on your oven and pan)
Allow to cool completely (at least 45 min-1hr) and they will firm up and not be mushy.
I put the loaf in the fridge after it cooled completely, and it slices so nicely! Slice and reheat if you’d like! Top it with some real butter— we did Kerry Gold… oh man! Delish!!!

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